Whether you are an elite competitor, casual gym goer, weekend warrior, recreational runner, health and fitness buff, or newcomer to sport … all of us will experience a lack of motivation from time to time. It’s all part and parcel of a regular workout routine. What is motivation? Motivation is an internal process or reasoning…
Considerations for exercising in the heat
The physiological response of the body to heat When you exercise strenuously in even moderate heat, your body’s core temperature rises. In response, your blood flow is rerouted so more of it goes to your skin surface to help your body let off your internal heat, and you break a sweat (it is the evaporation…
The benefits of good sleep for exercise and fitness
You don’t grow in the gym; you grow in recovery. You also get faster, leaner and stronger whilst you recover, so it is perfectly reasonable to prioritise recovery in a training program. And recovery doesn’t mean simply drinking a protein shake, it means rest, and there is no better way to rest than to sleep. Numerous studies…
A Day in the Life of a Mobile Personal Trainer
Ever wondered what it’s like to be a real life personal trainer? Check out “A Day in the Life…” by our fantastic AFA Ambassador – Shelley Lask.
Supporting fitness goals … on the non-workout days
Regardless of whether it is one long session, several smaller workouts a week or something in-between, a personal trainer needs to maximise face-to-face time.
Are your clients practicing these two important skills?
Sitting on the floor and rising unaided, along with single leg balance exercises are important indicators of various potential issues.
Introducing medicine balls into a personal training program
Not to be confused with the softer exercise or Swiss ball, medicine balls can be used by a range of clients with different fitness goals.
What do kettlebell exercises add to a fitness program?
Successful personal trainers always have one thing in common – they are always wanting to go above and beyond for their clients.