If you’re looking to add some variety and challenging functional movements to your strength program, look no further than the landmine! A landmine exercise refers to an angled barbell movement where one end of the barbell is on the ground and the opposite end is held by the lifter. Most gyms have a landmine machine, which is a metal tube built on a pivot system that can move in any direction. A barbell can then be slid into the device, and a number of different exercises can be performed.
The major point of difference the landmine has over dumbbell or barbell exercises is the unique angle and arching movement pattern, providing both a vertical and horizontal push combination. Landmine exercises can easily be made more challenging by increasing the weight, and are also a safe way to perform progression exercises due to its point of contact with the ground.
Take a look at some examples of landmine exercises below. They can either be added into your existing program individually or combined for a full body workout:
Lower Body
Landmine Squat:
- Begin by holding the bar against your chest and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Engaging your core, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor
- Drive back up to the starting position
Single-Leg RDL:
- Start by balancing on your right leg and holding the barbell in your left hand
- Begin the RDL by lifting one foot, unlocking your knee and slowly hinging forward at the hips
- Lower your torso until parallel with the ground or until a stretch is felt in the hamstring
- Return to starting position and repeat both sides
Landmine Reverse Lunge:
- Hold the barbell in your right hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Take a step back with your right leg and lower into a lunge
- Drive through your left heel to stand up to the starting position
- Repeat both sides
Upper Body
Half-Kneel Landmine Press:
- Kneel with your right foot on the floor, bent at 90 degrees, and hold the barbell in your right hand
- Press barbell straight up
- Lower back to the starting position and repeat on both sides
Landmine Row:
- Stand perpendicular to the bar, bend at the hips and grab the end of the bar with your inside hand
- Keeping your back straight and knees slightly bent, pull the weight to your side, keeping the movement close to your body
- Return to starting position and repeat both sides
Landmine Floor Press:
- Lie on the ground and hold the barbell with your arm straight in front of your chest
- The barbell should be perpendicular to your body
- Lower the bar to your chest and then drive it up in the same way you would perform a dumbbell press
- Lower back to starting position and perform movement on both sides
T-Bar Row:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend at the waist so your torso is at a 45-degree angle
- Hold the landmine barbell just below the plates with both hands and pull the weight toward your chest
- Lower with control to the starting position and repeat
Landmine Standing Rotation:
- Begin by holding the bar with both hands at chest level, feet shoulder-width apart
- Use your arms to move the bar in a rainbow-like arc back and forth in front of you
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