We all know that exercise is good for our physical health, but did you know that it can have a noticeable effect on your mental health too? The physiological benefits of regular exercise are well known! As Personal Trainers we know that regular physical activity engagement results in improved mood and emotional states, and negative…
The Importance of looking Professional for Work Placement
Regardless of whether you are conducting practical placement in the gym or representing your own personal training business – appearance is everything.
A day in the life of a solo personal trainer
The life of a personal trainer changes by the day. Here’s a snapshot of one PTs day!
How personal trainers can support and enhance mental health
Mental illness affects millions of Australians each year. How can your role as a personal trainer make a difference to someone’s life?
What do clients look for in a personal trainer?
When someone is looking to enlist the help of a personal trainer, there are certain aspects they’ll be looking for. Here’s how to make yourself stand out.
The importance of staying hydrated as a personal trainer
We all know that drinking water is important to your health, but still not all of us get the recommended minimum each day! Here, we explain why staying hydrated will help you as a personal trainer.
Five FREE ways to be a better PT
Here’s 5 free and simple ways to become a better Personal Trainer. Easy, simple, yet effective advice all PTs should take on board.
7 Reasons Why You Need a Personal Trainer
So many people are seeking the help of a Personal Trainer for various reasons relating to their health and fitness. Here are 7 top reasons why you should invest in a Personal Trainer