Confused where to begin with your Fitness studies? Read our blog to compare the Certificate III in Fitness and Certificate IV in Fitness to found out which is right for your career outcome!
How to Squat: Proper Barbell Squat Technique
The barbell back squat, like the deadlift, is one of the most effective exercises out there—check out our Deadlift technique post for information on that exercise. It is also one of the most difficult to learn and get right, as it can cause injuries if not done correctly. Therefore, it is always good to…
The Effects of Cortisol in Our Body
Most people have heard of the hormone Cortisol however are a little confused as to what it does and whether it is beneficial to us when it comes to the fight against fat loss and weight management.
Let’s break it down into simple terms and look at the role of Cortisol within our bodies.
You’re a Qualified PT, What To Do Next?
Congratulations! If you’re reading this, then chances are you have recently completed your fitness qualification and are looking at jumping headfirst into a brand-new career in this exciting industry!
What Are Compound Exercises?
There are two main classifications of exercises: compound exercises and isolation exercises. In this post, we will cover exactly what a compound exercise is. A compound exercise is one that uses multiple muscle groups at the same time to perform a movement. A good example of a compound exercise…
Top Tips for Beating a Study Slump
Studying is not always easy. When life gets in the way, finding the time and motivation to sit down and study can be difficult. When balancing work, family, social commitments and more, it is completely normal to have periods where you become unmotivated to study. When your spare time is sparse, it can be easy…
Why You Should Be Stretching Your Lats More Often
The lats are a complex muscle. They’re the biggest muscle of the upper body, originating on the spinous processes of the T7-L5 vertebrae, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lower 3 or 4 ribs and inferior angle of scapula and inserting onto the front of the humerus (on the intertubercular groove). The lats anatomy makes them one of the primary muscles…
The Squat Cue That Needs Rethinking
I’m sure you’ve seen this before. The trainer telling their client to drive up through their heels when they squat to engage their glutes. On the surface there isn’t anything wrong with this, the client gets to feel their glutes turn on a bit more, that’s what you want your squats to do right? But what about the rest of your foot? What about your centre of gravity?