The Digital Fit Series Pt. I
Welcome to the Digital Fit Series, a collaboration between Australian Fitness Academy and KIXXFIT. This blog series will provide readers with an insight into how fitness graduates can successfully transition into the online coaching space by offering valuable information, advice and practical tips from industry experts.
In the first instalment of the Digital Fit Series, we bring to you ‘Why Online Training Works For Both You And Your Clients’.
In a year like no other, we have all experienced major shifts in the way we live our lives and go about our daily activities. While some changes were simply a matter of circumstance and have only been temporary solutions, other movements and behaviour changes have had longer-lasting effects and are set to stay beyond the crazy year that has been 2020.
By far the most identifiable change we have seen is the need and want for online services. Digital delivery has become a necessity for most businesses and consumers, with the adoption of e-services growing strongly, even amongst the most “digitally resistant” customers.
Recent events have had a positive effect on the online fitness market size. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted people’s lives and forced fitness centres to remain closed. This situation has led to the rapid adoption of virtual fitness solutions as individuals began working out in their homes. The desire to stream live and on-demand workouts at home has outlasted their need, with many opting to continue using these services long after the reopening of gyms. Both businesses and consumers have found many benefits of going online, with findings suggesting those who converted to digital services will stick to them after the immediate health crisis is over.
So if you’ve been thinking about adding an online component to your Personal Training business or are looking to transition to a fully digitalised platform, there’s never been a better time to do it! If you’re still unsure or need some more convincing, here’s eight reasons why going online will work for both you and your client.
For Personal Trainers/Coaches:
1. Reduced Overheads
Many fitness professionals find themselves having to commit to hefty studio or gym rent in order to carry out their face-to-face Personal Training services. For those that own their own business or have their own facility, the overhead costs involved can take up a big chunk of overall revenue. Cutting these costs is one of the fastest ways to increase your profits and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. Transferring your services online can be an effective way to reduce overheads, with online coaching not requiring a set physical space.
2. Flexibility & Freedom
As an online coach, you have the flexibility and freedom to operate your services and access your clients from just about any location in the world. It’s a business model you can run from home, while on holidays, or in and around other work and lifestyle commitments. No longer will you be dictated by the opening hours of a gym, and if you’re going away or have other commitments, you don’t have to stress about losing income if you can’t be there in person.
3. Increase Your Client Base
With traditional Personal Training and group fitness models, you are always going to be bound by your geographical location. If you run your PT services out of a gym or fitness studio, you will only be accessing potential clients in that particular suburb and surrounding areas. Having an online presence with your fitness business will allow you to coach anyone, anywhere, anytime – giving you the opportunity to work with more clients and help more people achieve their health and fitness goals.
4. Add Value To Your Services
There are many reasons why Personal Trainers prefer to coach clients face-to-face and run their services out of a fitness facility. Going online doesn’t mean you have to stop offering the option of one-on-one Personal Training – instead, you can combine the two to add value to your services and increase your earning potential. You can set different pricing structures for each clientele and provide more bang for your buck for existing customers. An example of this might be to provide three extra online workouts to a client that usually trains face-to-face with you once a week. This not only helps keep your client motivated to complete extra sessions throughout the week, it also adds to your revenue stream by charging an additional fee for the online sessions.
For Clients:
1. Affordability
Online training can be a much more cost-effective option compared to training with a Personal Trainer in person. Having access to a fitness professional through an online platform means clients can get quality fitness workouts and advice for a much more wallet-friendly price tag. In some cases, they might find that an entire month of online training may even cost less than one hour of one-on-one, in-person training. Going online will allow their investment in their fitness to stretch out a lot longer.
2. Flexibility
Online fitness coaching allows people to work out on their own schedule in their own time. With work, study, family and other lifestyle commitments, life can get pretty crazy. Finding the time to see a Personal Trainer in person can sometimes be challenging. For those that don’t want to be locked into a regular schedule, or want the flexibility to work out at different times in the day, online programs can be offered and completed at their convenience. Whether they’re the 5am let’s rise and shine with a workout, the lunchtime weights hitter or the night owl working out after the kids have gone to bed, having an online program means they’ll be able to access a session when it suits them!
3. Greater Choice In Coaches
Searching online for fitness services will give people access to an unlimited amount of fitness professionals. No longer will they be limited to the same Pilates instructor, spin class teacher or boxing coach at their local gym. Instead, they’ll have access to coaches from any location around the world that all have different areas of expertise. With this amount of choice, there’s no doubt people will be able to find the perfect Personal Trainer that meets their individual needs.
4. Communication & Accountability
Most people assume that if they’re not seeing a Personal Trainer in person they will become unmotivated and let their progress slip. The great thing about technology is that even though they might not be in the same location as you, their fitness coach, they’ll still be able to be in contact with you at any time. Being online means the lines of communication are always open, with good online coaches ensuring they are in regular contact with their clients through call, text or messaging functions through different apps. You can also set up daily or weekly check-ins with your clients to ensure they’re staying on top of their training and working towards achieving their fitness goals.
In Summary:
Online Personal Training has so many benefits for both coaches and clients. Given today’s climate, there’s no better time to add a digital component to your business and reap the rewards from the opportunities that lie ahead in the digital world.
If you’re looking to get started as a Personal Trainer and are keen to find out more about AFA’s Certificate III & IV in Fitness, click here to speak to a Careers Advisor today.
If you’re already a qualified fitness professional and are excited about the opportunity to grow your health and fitness community online, visit the KIXXFIT digital platform to get started!
If you use this link and sign up as a Coach, you’ll get your first 90 days for only $1.00 with the promo code AFACOACH20.