The Digital Fit Series Pt. III
Welcome to the Digital Fit Series, a collaboration between Australian Fitness Academy and KIXXFIT. This blog series will provide readers with an insight into how fitness graduates can successfully transition into the online coaching space by offering valuable information, advice and practical tips from industry experts.
It’s 2021 and given the past year we have had, it’s no surprise that clients are increasingly expecting online options as part of their health and fitness routines. Clients have come to love the fact they can literally roll out of bed and exercise with an online program, how cost-effective online can be, and that they’re not having to rush out the door to the pilates studio.
Never fear – this is great for you and your business too! Going online will not only diversify your revenue streams, but can also help you to scale and grow your business to a point where you could earn more online than you do from your face to face services. #goals!
For more on the benefits of expanding your business online, be sure to read the second instalment of the Digital Fit Series, ‘How going digital will help your fitness business & clients overcome challenges.’
In this instalment, we will cover 8 simple steps to get you on your way to creating an amazing online program that your clients will love for years to come.
Step 1: Define Your Niche
We get it. The fitness industry is fiercely competitive. And it’s exactly the same online. So how do you make sure that you stand out from the others? You need to become really good at addressing your specific target audience and client’s specific needs. Put another way, you need to define your niche. This will help you to develop a reputation for being “known” for something in particular, making you stand out in that domain and at the forefront of people’s minds when it comes to that particular topic. Your niche can be anything, from pregnancy fitness to triathlon training or chronic illness. Find something that you’re already really good at or passionate about which will make you relatable to your audience. Unsure of your niche? Work with a diverse clientele to realise what you like doing, think about the types of people you attract and the needs they have, and constantly re-evaluate this as your experience continues to build.
Step 2: Plan Your Program
Now you know who you are marketing to, it’s time to think about what are their most pressing pain points that you are best placed to help resolve. Take the time to really consider what your client’s problems and their deepest desires are. Tell people that you are looking to create an online program for THEM, and ask them what they want. Are they looking for exercises with no equipment as they don’t have gym memberships? Are they time poor so prefer quick workouts? Are they mums getting back into their fitness after pregnancy? You want your audience to see your product and go “yes, they get me! This is exactly what I am looking for!”
Step 3: Decide What You Will Include
When launching an online program with KIXXFIT, there is a wide variety of resources you can include in your overall program package, including on-demand or livestream videos, to ebooks and 1:1 consultations. While value adding is essential, be careful not to get excited and overwhelm your clients with too much information. Focus more on making the information that you do include, clear and concise. At the end of the day, they want results and they want to be able to access and understand your program easily, and sometimes less is more!
Step 4: Create Your Content
This is where the fun begins! Maybe you already have some videos filmed you can use? Start filming and creating content based on what your clients want. And while authenticity is key, the higher the quality program you create will ensure clients purchase from you again and again.
Step 5: Choose The Right Platform
Now you have created your amazing program, it’s time to think about distributing it in the easiest and most convenient way for not only you, but for your clients too. Firstly, stay away from hosting your content on social media – consumers are simply not in the right frame of mind to truly engage when they are mindlessly scrolling through content. Building your own app or webpage can be expensive and difficult to get right – So, unless you are a technology developer yourself, we recommend you focus on what you do best, which is helping your clients to achieve their health and fitness goals, and you leave the tech to the pros like KIXXFIT.
By choosing a platform like KIXXFIT to host your content, you’re not only giving your clients a super quick and easy way to pay and access the content all in the one place, all at a price you have set, but you’re also exposing your business to thousands of potential new clients as well who are searching for content on their platform every day.
Step 6: Price & Package Your Program
Look at what you’re currently pricing clients when they come to see you face-to-face and crunch some numbers to decide how much to charge them for your online content. You want this price to reflect the time it took to create your program, but you also need to be careful not to overcharge – you don’t want to leave a sour taste in people’s mouths.
Step 7: Plan Your Marketing
You have put together this amazing program, now it’s time to develop a solid marketing strategy. At KIXXFIT, they can even help with your marketing efforts too. Firstly, they can help you create a promo code to entice consumers to purchase at a cheaper price. Secondly, you can participate in the product collaborations they organise with reputable brands to offer your audience as giveaway prizes. And they will also feature your programs in their social media, website and emails.
But at the end of the day, YOU are ultimately responsible for your own marketing! So take the time to plan out your launch and sustaining campaign. Focus on highlighting the benefits of your program and how it will help resolve your clients deepest desires and pain points. Include direct links to your items in your Instagram bio, Facebook, Newsletters, Emails, websites, text messages – everywhere, to make it super easy to purchase as well. For more tips on how to create authentic social media posts that leads to sales, check out a recent webinar KIXXFIT did with LalaSocial on ‘My top tips for social media’. (Note: KIXXFIT Coaches can access this webinar for FREE as part of their subscription.)
Step 8: Launch Your Program!
It’s the day you’ve been waiting for – time to go live with your program. Your price is set, your sales messages are clear and your videos uploaded. But your marketing doesn’t stop here – it’s only just begun! Over the coming weeks and months, make sure you are regularly asking for feedback from your clients, taking this feedback not as a criticism, but an opportunity to make tweaks and improvements. Use the community function in the app to check in with people and encourage them to share their experiences.
In Summary
A few years ago, launching an online program was only possible for the rich and famous, but not anymore.
With the right planning, preparation and technology, you too can now easily upload and sell your content. The KIXXFIT team is there to take care of the technology and payment systems, and support your organic marketing, freeing you up to focus on what you do best – motivate, inspire and encourage people!
If you’re looking to get started as a Personal Trainer and are keen to find out more about our Certificate III & IV in Fitness, click here to speak to a Careers Advisor today.
If you’re already a qualified fitness professional and are excited about the opportunity to grow your health and fitness community online, visit the KIXXFIT digital platform to get started!
If you use this link and sign up as a Coach, you’ll get your first 90 days for only $1.00 with the promo code AFACOACH20.