When you first start out as a Personal Trainer you may not have all your processes in order to run a business smoothly. This can be quiet overwhelming and you may find yourself not being consistent with all clients. In an attempt to avoid this, I have rounded up some of the processes that you’d be wise to get in place before launching into running it as a new business.
Areas that may go wrong:
- Wanting the sale so you give unnecessary discounts and end up with clients on all different prices.
- Forgetting and/or missing sessions with clients.
- Not checking in on clients regularly enough.
- Not remembering important information that a client has informed you about.
All of these mistakes can make you feel like you are not tracking your clients, and likewise make your clients feel that you don’t understand their needs and requirements. This can create an uneasy environment for your clients and your business.
Setting your processes up and being consistent is important to ensure that your business doesn’t suffer from minor mistakes.
Ways to stay consistent:
- Set your prices and have only 1 discounted price that you can implement for a price drop. This will help you keep track of everyone and avoid slipping up.
- Have a calendar, be it an old school notepad or the calendar within your mobile phone, use whatever works for you but make sure you book your clients into your calendar and ensure you use it.
- Confirm appointments with your clients within a 12 or 24-hour timeframe. This makes sure both parties are going to be there, and if not, it doesn’t leave you waiting around for no reason.
- Have a weekly check-in time, where you contact all your clients to keep them on track. This will show them you care and are aware of what’s going on.
- After every session write down anything that is relevant that your client has informed you about. You might think you’ll remember it, but chances are you won’t. Write down any and all information. Then read that information before the next session.
These small tips can make a huge difference, it will structure your business so all your clients feel like they are getting the same product and will enhance your day to day activity.
As Benjamin Franklin once said “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”