The lats are a complex muscle. They’re the biggest muscle of the upper body, originating on the spinous processes of the T7-L5 vertebrae, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lower 3 or 4 ribs and inferior angle of scapula and inserting onto the front of the humerus (on the intertubercular groove). The lats anatomy makes them one of the primary muscles…
The Squat Cue That Needs Rethinking
I’m sure you’ve seen this before. The trainer telling their client to drive up through their heels when they squat to engage their glutes. On the surface there isn’t anything wrong with this, the client gets to feel their glutes turn on a bit more, that’s what you want your squats to do right? But what about the rest of your foot? What about your centre of gravity?
Weightlifting Belts – Friend or Foe?
One day I was training one of my athletes in the gym and I noticed that he had decided to use a weightlifting belt when attempting his heaviest squat set. I was at the same time excited, that he would be willing to use such an awesome accessory, as well as terrified that he had no idea how and why he was using the belt. As he approached the barbell…
How to Balance Your Time as an Online and Face-to-Face PT
The life and schedule of a Personal Trainer can look a little bit different to the average person working the usual Monday to Friday 9-5 grind. The opportunity to work independently and on a flexible schedule that works for you is one of the best things about a career in the fitness industry. You can be your own boss, set your preferred availabilities, and build a successful…
Should Your Knees Go Past Your Toes During A Squat?
This might sound controversial, but when you squat your knees can definitely go past your toes. The technique cue “don’t let your knees move past your toes” has been around for a long time. Its origin is mostly unknown as it isn’t backed up by a lot of science. It was most likely (poorly) used to correct a very specific technique error once and it has snowballed since then into the common technique cue that it is today.
The Difference Between a Gym Instructor and Personal Trainer
There always seems to be a little confusion about the difference between being a Gym instructor and a Personal Trainer, especially when you’re first starting out in the industry. Whether you’ve just started your studies in Fitness or are just entering the fitness industry to work for the first time, this information will be valuable…
Best Footwear for Squats and Deadlifts
One of the more underrated considerations when performing resistance training tasks is appropriate footwear. Wearing the right shoes could add those extra kilograms to your major lifts that you have been searching for to reach that PB! This is especially the case when performing lower body compound lifts such as squats and deadlifts. The following…
Top 10 Online Study Tips To Ensure You Succeed
Studying online is a fantastic way to educate yourself and begin a journey towards a new career or increase your knowledge in your current field. It offers many advantages over traditional learning. The biggest advantage of online studying is flexibility. You can study in your own time, at your own pace, from anywhere you like—your home,…