Is there really more to Personal Training than just physically training a client? Absolutely! Our job as a PT doesn’t just start and end at training our client’s alone. There’s much more to it than that. One of the other important roles we have as a PT involves us encouraging our clients to change their…
The Best Online Tools For Personal Trainers
The fitness industry has really been challenged by the impacts of COVID-19, none more so than the need to shift our services online in the aim to provide ‘remote’ or ‘at-home’ experiences for our clients. What this means is that we’ve had to acquire and adopt completely new skills that we’ve never had before, particularly…
3 Rotator Cuff Exercises for a Stable Shoulder
Your rotator cuff works incredibly hard for you, and it does so more often than you might think. The rotator cuff is made up of 4 small (but mighty!) muscles; Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis. Each of these muscles has a primary joint action: Supraspinatus – Shoulder abduction Infraspinatus – Shoulder external rotation Teres…
8 Qualities of a Successful Personal Trainer
If you are passionate about health and fitness and love helping people achieve their goals, you may have considered a career as a Personal Trainer. Having the ability to make a real difference to people’s lives can be incredibly rewarding, and is a main driver for why people enter the fitness industry. To succeed as…
How to Exercise Safely in the Smoke Haze
As the devastating bushfires continue to burn across Australia, smoke pollution has blanketed many cities and surrounding areas around the country. With fires expected to blaze for months, and dozens of communities fighting to protect their lives and homes, many are living with smoke haze and thick smog. In recent days, Melbourne and Sydney’s air…
Total Body Partner Exercises
Are you sick of training alone? Looking for some added motivation to head to the gym? Exercising with a friend, family member or partner can make a workout so much more enjoyable! Partnered workouts provide a fun challenge and allow you to feed off of each other’s energy, pushing you both that little bit harder…
Why It’s More Important To Teach The Exercise Than Its Name
How many times have you been in the gym and argued with either another trainer or a client about the name of a particular exercise? For example, a new member starts at your gym, and they have a fair idea about resistance training, considering they’ve had gym memberships in the past and had a variety…
Exercise Progressions: The Plank
The plank hold is a staple core exercise that not only helps to tone your midsection, but also helps to improve posture, support a healthy back and enhance overall movement and stability. Performing the plank engages all major core muscle groups including the transverse abdominis, the rectus abdominus and the external obliques, as well as…