When it comes to exercise equipment, there are more options available than ever before. Walk into just about any gym and you’ll notice the floor being separated into three different sections: cardio, free weights and resistance machines. Common cardio machines found in a gym include treadmills, rowers, steppers, spin bikes and skiergs. The free weight…
5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of A Negative Client
A positive persona is one of the most important qualities of being a Personal Trainer. It is our job to ensure that our clients stay motivated, upbeat and focused on achieving their goals. A client, on the other hand, might arrive at their session grumpy, unmotivated and inattentive. Maybe something has happened in their personal…
Exercise Progressions: The Squat
Squatting is a fundamental human movement pattern that involves nearly every muscle in the body. Squats are one of the best functional exercises out there, promoting mobility and balance to help complete day-to-day activities, while also helping to burn fat and build muscle. If there was one exercise that should be included in everyone’s workout…
Why It’s Never Too Late To Become A PT
There’s a common misconception that all personal trainers are young, buff and super energetic. Just walk into any gym in your local area, and you’ll see that this certainly isn’t the case. The great thing about personal trainers is that anyone with an interest in fitness can become one, no matter what age or demographic.…
Full Body Landmine Workout
If you’re looking to add some variety and challenging functional movements to your strength program, look no further than the landmine! A landmine exercise refers to an angled barbell movement where one end of the barbell is on the ground and the opposite end is held by the lifter. Most gyms have a landmine machine,…
Exercise Progressions: The Pull Up
Pull ups are one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises to perform, requiring multiple upper-body muscles to work simultaneously to pull oneself up above the bar and back down again. The pull up demonstrates a superior strength to body-weight ratio and is a hugely rewarding exercise to master. For many people, being able to perform…
Complete Guide to Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell training has been around for decades, and has increased in popularity with the rise of functional fitness training programs. Offering a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercise, kettlebell training is an efficient and effective way to workout and improve fitness levels. What makes a kettlebell different to a dumbbell or barbell is its…
How to Design an Effective Exercise Program
When designing a resistance training program for either yourself or clients, there are many considerations that need be taken into account before you hit the gym. Broadly speaking, there are three key components to program design: Environmental factors, needs analysis and program variables/training guidelines. It’s important to identify and consider the elements involved in each…