As a personal trainer, training a client is the easy part. Knowing your anatomy, exercise technique and instruction will become second nature after a while. The hard part is trying to figure out how to motivate your clients to show up to training, then being able to motivate them throughout their workout. There is no black…
Personal Training for different personality types
A big part of being a Personal Trainer is connecting with your clients, and believe it or not, each and every client has their own unique personality. It is up to you, the PT, to adapt your approach to get the most out of your clients and to develop the PT/client relationship. Here is a…
Common Myths vs Realities of being a Personal Trainer
One of our ambassadors, Shelley Lask of Body Positive Health & Fitness, has pulled together some common myths of being a Personal Trainer and walks us through the reality, check it out below: Myth: Being a Personal Trainer keeps you fit Reality: A good Personal Trainer will observe their client from all angles while they exercise in…
A Day in the Life of a Mobile Personal Trainer
Ever wondered what it’s like to be a real life personal trainer? Check out “A Day in the Life…” by our fantastic AFA Ambassador – Shelley Lask.
Supporting fitness goals … on the non-workout days
Regardless of whether it is one long session, several smaller workouts a week or something in-between, a personal trainer needs to maximise face-to-face time.
Are your clients practicing these two important skills?
Sitting on the floor and rising unaided, along with single leg balance exercises are important indicators of various potential issues.
Encouraging your clients to keep fit through the depths of winter
The cold winter months can be a hard time for your client – keeping up that exercise program can be difficult! Here are a few ideas that will see them through.
Introducing medicine balls into a personal training program
Not to be confused with the softer exercise or Swiss ball, medicine balls can be used by a range of clients with different fitness goals.